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BTC $63,580.26 TDZ ₳1.000
ETH $3,319.33 TRD $1.000
ADA $0.4670 DAN $1.000
¥73.979 FU ¥1.000
€0.4367 ZEN €1.000
USD ¥158.41
ADA Native Token Swaps.1 ₳ =
TDZ -- OPEN -- 1.0000
TRD in 10h:09m:36s 0.6180
DAN in 10h:09m:39s 0.6180
FU in 10h:09m:44s 93.7400
ZEN -- -- 0.5758
EQ -- -- 0.6180
THBTC -- -- 8.903e-06
THETH -- -- 1.768e-04
DJED -- -- 0.6180
MT -- -- 0.6180
MUS -- -- 0.6180
WRT -- -- 0.6180
DRGN -- -- 0.6180
JDI -- -- 0.6180
iOS Android
thEarthquake iOS thEarthquake Android
Yrs Rate
1 4.73
2 4.41
3 4.22
5 3.99
10 3.88
US Treasury Data
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